Most mums dread leaving the house with their not-so-potty-trained child. We know that potty training your child can be a stressful time especially if this is your first time. You can never really be sure that you won’t have to deal with a shitty disaster (pun intended) while on the go. And while some moms like to be cautious by putting on diapers or pull-ons, it is best to be prepared for all the things that could go wrong by carrying these diaper bag essentials in your bag. Instead of breaking the cycle of potty training your child while on the go, make sure you commit 100% by having these essentials in your bag.
1. A Waterproof Bag
You can carry a plastic bag or a wet bag that is both waterproof and leak-resistant to help you store the soiled undies or shorts. We would recommend using a wet bag as it can easily store 7 to 10 soiled cloth diapers.
2. Pull-on Pants
Pull-on pants, as the name suggests, are those pants that your child can easily pull on and take off in case of an emergency poop situation. They won’t need any help from your side and can potentially prevent a disaster from taking place. These pants typically come with an elasticated waistband or drawstring. Our best bet is to go with the elasticated waistband ones.
3. An Extra Top
Carry an extra t-shirt or a shirt just as a back-up if your baby boy is yet to master how to aim their stream and it goes a little too high. You won’t really need it, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
4. Wet Wipes
Any mama who has a diaper bag would never miss stocking up on this essential at any cost. Wet wipes will always come in handy no matter where you travel or how old your baby is. Whether it is dealing with a poop accident, using it as a burp cloth or something to wipe their legs when they pee their pants, it is wet wipes to the rescue.
5. An Extra Pair Of Undergarments
You will need a few extra undies for your child especially when they are still in the potty training stage. And if you are using pulls ups instead of undies, make sure you carry some extras of those as well.
6. Small Treats
It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or big. Some candies or gems would also do the trick. Basically, anything that your child can never say no to. While some children would not need rewards like these to get them potty trained, that’s not the case for all. So make sure you keep some yummy rewards in your bag in case you are to encounter a tantrum.
7. Sanitizing Wipes Or Toilet Seat Sanitizer Spray
Let’s face it, toilet seats can be really dirty and disgusting even in some high-end malls. So imagine how filthy it can get at a gas station bathroom. And make no mistake, there will be times you will have to make a stop at a gas station when an emergency poop situation presents itself. And unlike us who can squat and make do at a situation like that, your child will sit on the toilet seat and move around and God forbid, even touch them in some cases. So make sure you carry a pack of sanitizing wipes or toilet seat sanitizer spray in your bag.
8. Socks
Accidents are bound to happen when your child isn’t successfully potty trained yet. And kids have no control over their bladder which can lead to some pretty unfortunate incidents. Carry an extra pair of socks in case the pee ever runs to your child’s socks and ruins it.
We genuinely hope that our list of essentials would make traveling with your child a lot smoother even when you are potty training.
Do you think we missed any essentials? If so, feel free to write to us in the comments section below.